DiAndria L. Zeigler is the CEO and Chief Marshall of AGAPE Interpreting Services, Inc.
headquartered in St. Augustine, FL. She has an MBA in Business Administration, a
Level 3 government clearance for interpreting needs, and currently maintains a 4.2
EIPA as well as her membership affiliation with Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
(RID) and National Association of the Deaf (NAD).
DiAndria, a child/sibling of a Deaf adult (CODA/SODA) began her professional career in
2000 as a Contract Interpreter with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Interpreting Services.
Upon realizing that she wanted to do more in the realm of accessible communication,
she expanded beyond ASL into the world of Spoken Language Facilitation to help
bridge the gap between communication breakdowns and accessible communication
comprehension by placing quality professionals in positions of interpreting needs. This
desire, which started as a fortuitous event, has now become a full language model for
AGAPE Interpreting Services which facilitates 240 languages and dialects in the
professional arena. This earned DiAndria the name “Chief Marshal” among her peers
because she has proven capable to not only draw and work among people of many
languages but understand various backgrounds and culture nuances which makes for a
productive language team approach.
Her leadership of AGAPE Interpreting Services, Inc. spans from Kingsland, GA down
the eastern coast and into the Altamonte Springs, FL areas. She has an extensive
background in language consulting, training, and mentoring, and 20+ years’ experience
in ASL Interpreting and Communication Facilitation with over 200 foreign languages and
DiAndria has been able to amass extensive partnerships with medical, governmental,
religious, and educational agencies to enlarge her outreach in various communities on
many different levels.
When DiAndria is not hands on Interpreting or Directing, she spends most of her time
with her husband Jermaine and their 2 beautiful daughters. The Zeigler’s volunteer at
various locations including but not limited to the Jacksonville Zoo, Florida School for the
Deaf and the Blind, and Community food banks. The Zeigler’s are faithful philanthropists
who contribute to various local, national, and international charities.